Carrie Kinsey

My midwifery journey began after the birth of our first son. His birth started in an uncoordinated labor that didn’t progress past 3 cm dilation. This escalated into prematurely breaking my water, poor labor management, not being allowed to move around and a baby in a bad position ; which led to fetal distress and a C-section. The post-op left me feeling terrified at how my body felt; really no feeling at all after a spinal epidural and a baby no where in sight. It was 26 hours of awful!

My second pregnancy, I knew I did not want to repeat that again! A friend had talked to me about home birth but we weren’t ready. A week before he was due my OB told me that if he didn’t move down we’d do another C-section the next week. I cried all the way home. I called that friend and she gave me the midwives’ number and with their help I delivered him vaginally the next day. I almost didn’t make it to the hospital! I was hooked on midwifery. They were wonderful, supportive, caring and I was not another number or dollar figure.

With the next baby, we did co-care with the midwife and a doctor in Cottonwood. However, my water broke and I wasn’t in labor. We went to Cottonwood and labor was induced: still a nice birth.

With baby four we were ready to try a home birth. All went beautifully and we had a homebirth with midwives. What an experience! I was in my own home, surrounded by my family with midwives who cared about me like family. It was beautiful.

Baby five was my water birth. I had completed my whole gamut of births.  My hope is to give the same love and care to women and their families during this beautiful time of a family’s journey. I know it is a privilege and an honor  to be included.